Hello. I am writing
to you from inside a black hole. I don't know how I ended up in here.
I was minding my own
business, walking home from the pub, when I blacked out (forgive my
pun). When I woke up I was here, in the black hole. It isn't what I
had planned for my life, but I guess you have to adapt to the things
life throws at you. In a way it makes me sad.
I don't have a body
as such anymore, but I'm getting pretty used to new existence as an
all-encompassing consciousness.
I miss the simple things
in life, sunny evenings, a good pint, kicking back in front of the TV
watching the Simpsons and football. I can sense all the wonder
and grandeur of the universe, from the molecular structure upwards,
and yet I often find myself quite bored. There's not much in terms of
human interest.
It reminds me of a
week I once spent in Poland when I was inter-railing in my year off
before university. Still, mustn't grumble. I'm trying to stay positive.
I'd like to buy a pet cat.